Robot Car 輪式機器人

General Robot Car Parts Catalog/一般輪式機器人部件目錄 Price List (定價單)

BASIC Stamp Robot Car / BASIC Stamp 輪式機器人 Parts Price List(定價單)

Video for Introduction of BASIC Stamp Robot Car (視頻介紹BASIC Stamp 輪式機器人) GO

Video for Introduction of PBASIC Program (視頻介紹PBASIC 编程) GO

1a) Introduction to Basic Stamp/PBASIC Language


1b) BASIC Stamp微控制器 / PBASIC語言的介紹


2a) BASIC Stamp Program Editor/StampBot Introduction

2b) BASIC Stamp程式編輯器/StampBot 入門


3) PBASIC program examples explanation English
4) PBASIC program examples English

51 Robot Car / 51輪式機器人 (視頻介紹89S51輪式機器人) GO 1 2 3

51 Robot Car Parts Price List (51 輪式機器人部件定價單)

51 Flowcode Program User Manual English
51流程圖軟件使用手冊 中文